Mountain Khakis Director OF DESIGN–LISA REINHART
Here our host, Bill Bartee, helps us learn how the Charlotte-based brand started & then delve into 2021 and the future with Mountain Khakis, Director of Merchandising, Design & Development, Lisa Reinhart. First off! What does that job mean & how Lisa was introduced to textile apparel, the business & what’s a Mountain Momma? Sourcing, shipping, price & quality all start in the details of design. Now Mountain Khakis pursues a fit for everyone: Relaxed, Classic, Modern & Slim are all a part of the line. This is all on hand at the Outpost with Mountain Khakis at Jesse Brown’s.

Carolina Outdoors Show Sponsored By Jesse Brown's Outdoors.
Bill Bartee and Don Yager bring their passion and years of outdoor experience to the airwaves. If it's an outdoor adventure they've done it or they know someone who has and they spend an hour each weekend sharing those adventures with you. Some of their topics include: Surf fishing on Hatteras Island, Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Regional parks, Fishing for giant catfish on the Catawba River and Fly fishing Carolina mountain trout streams. Suffice to say the "Outdoor Boys" have stories to tell and there's a lot to learn from their adventures.